Employee Directory

十大彩票网赌平台 Employee Directory

You can search the Employee Directory by name, department or phone number.

Name Department Role Phone Office
Brooks, Vanessa Office of the PresidentChief of Staff(734) 973-3621SC 213
Broom, Marcel Facilities ManagementCustodial Supervisor(734) 677-5304DF 111
Broughton, Lori Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Brouwer, Bree Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Brown, Camille Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Brown, Corey Welding & Fabrication DeptPart-Time Faculty
Brown, Erin Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart-Time Faculty
Brown, Lavotnie Facilities ManagementPart time Support Non-Clerical(734) 677-5304DF 111
Brown, Lisa Public Service Careers/ApprenticeshipsPart-time Support Level II(734) 477-8728OE 102 W
Brown, Michael Student ServicesStudent Advisor(734) 973-3317TI 122R
Brown, Nicholas UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Brown, Steven Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Brown, Wayne Student ServicesTesting Center Sv Asst(734) 477-8550SC 300
Browning, Tina Facilities ManagementCustodian(734) 677-5302DF 111
Bruckner, Katie Instructional AdministrationManager Instructional Projects and Initiatives(734) 677-5393SC 267
Brunett, Jon Information Technology ServicesNetwork Engineer(734) 973-3456SC 314
Bruno, Nicholas Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart-Time Faculty
Bryant, David UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Bryant, Jasmine Priority Funding ParkridgePart time Student Success Specialist - Middle School Program
Bu, Weishu Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyProf Faculty Physics(734) 677-5219LA 253S
Bucci, Steven Public Service Training-InstructionPart-time Faculty - Timesheet
Buckner, Brian Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-time Faculty - Non Teach(734) 477-5090ML 162
Buckwalter, CorryWorkforce & Community DevelopmentPT Trainer(734) 677-5060ML 104
Bucy, Theresa Health SciencesProf Faculty Nursing(734) 677-5015TI 122C
Bull, Danette Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyProf Faculty Physical Sciences(734) 973-3732LA 153I
Bumpus, Mae Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-time Support Level I(734) 973-3647LA 327
Bundy, Stephanie Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty
Bungo, Meghan Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesProf Faculty Philosophy(734) 677-5292LA 153M
Burbo, Jason Learning ResourcesContent and Access Services Specialist(734) 973-3734GM 109
Buresh, Sandra Health SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3358TI122
Burge, Josh UA Instruction & SupportDir Sprinkler Fitter Education(734) 477-8921SR102
Burgess, Sarah Business & Computer TechnologiesStudent General Fund(734) 973-3724BE 200
Burgos, Justo Public Service Training-InstructionPT Range Safety Officer(734) 677-5024ML 106
Burk, Carolyn ChemistryPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Burke, Judy Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Burke, Starr Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesProf Faculty Behavioral Sci(734) 677-5217LA 353G
Burkel, Virginia ChemistryPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Burkey, Travis Welding & Fabrication DeptPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3628OE 102
Burkhart, Nugget Workforce & Community DevelopmentPT Trainer
Burleson, Nicholas Public Service Training-InstructionPT Prof Service Teaching(734) 677-5024ML111
Burrall, Vince UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Burrough, Mike Public Service Training-InstructionPT Prof Service Teaching(734) 677-5024ML106
Burtell, Kasia Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart time Support Non-Clerical(734) 973-3301GM 307
Buryta, Matthew Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Bush, Wanda Student EmployeeStudent Work Study
Bush, Renee Public Service Training-InstructionPart-time Faculty - Timesheet(734) 677-5024ML 106
Butcher, Kathleen ChemistryPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3396LA 253J
Butler, Dan UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Butler, Terrence Workforce & Community DevelopmentPT Trainer(734) 677-5060ML 104
Butts, Randal Welding & Fabrication DeptPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3627OE 102

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