Employee Directory

十大彩票网赌平台 Employee Directory

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Name Department Role Phone Office
Cady, Nick Health SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3358TI 122
Cain, JennieHumanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Caldwell, Kevin Public Service Training-InstructionPart-time Faculty - Timesheet(734) 677-5024ML 106
Call-Boyce, Brittany Student ServicesAsst Dir Fin Aid-Technical(734) 249-5954SC 205
Callaghan, Sara ChemistryPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Calleja Barrett, Marifer Workforce DevelopmentExecutive Director Workforce, Entrepreneurship & Community Development(734) 973-3695ML 104I
Callison, Patricia Student ServicesPart time LSS Lead Testing Specialist(734) 973-3342LA 115
Calvachi, Juan Business & Computer TechnologiesPart-Time Faculty(734) 477-8715GM 300
Cambridge, Betsy Workforce & Community DevelopmentPT Trainer(734) 677-5060ML 104
Campbell, Lauren Business & Computer TechnologiesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5431BE 200
Campos, Kaylyn Information Technology ServicesSupport Technician(734) 973-3456SC 314
Cann, Robert Learning ResourcesPT Peer Tutor
Cannon, David Public Service Training-InstructionPT Prof Service Teaching(734) 677-5024Ml 111
Cannon, Doreen UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Cannon, Petra Workforce & Community DevelopmentPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5060ML 104
Cantu, John Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Capicotto, ChristopherUA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Capps, Thurmond UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Carbone, Kellie Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Cardwell, Virginia Workforce & Community DevelopmentPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5060ML 104
Carlson, Melinda Business & Computer TechnologiesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5431BE 200
Carmen, Jane Financial ServicesPT Payroll Analyst(734) 477-8521SC 200 O
Caron, Alfred UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Carpenter, Amy Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyCoordinator Instr Supp MSE(734) 973-3455LA 215T
Carr, Stephen Transportation TechnologiesPT Lab Assistant(734) 973-3334OE 174
Carrigan, Thomas UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty
Carrington, Derek Roofers - ProgramPart-Time Faculty
Carrington, Ricky Facilities ManagementGrounds Maint Tech(734) 677-5303PO 117
Carriveau, Brent Public Service Training-InstructionPart-time Faculty - Timesheet(734) 677-5024Ml 111
Carson, Christina Medical Billing and CodingPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3358TI122
Carsten, Nicholas Health SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3358TI 122
Carter, Justin Transportation TechnologiesPart-Time Faculty(734) 477-8773OE 102AA
Carter, Launa Health SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3358TI 122
Carter, Robert HVACProf Faculty HVACR(734) 973-3351OE 102
Carvalho, Suzanne Medical Billing and CodingPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3358TI 122
Casertano, Ron UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3359GL 200
Casimier, Pascal Recruitment & Student EnrollmentRecruitment & Outreach Spec(734) 677-5019SC 203
Cavanaugh, Ryan Public Service Training-InstructionPT Prof Service Teaching
Cawthon, Hayley ChemistryPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Cazan, AaronWelding & Fabrication DeptPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3673OE 102
Cejmer, Kyle Welding & Fabrication DeptPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3627OE 137
Chahrour, Ibrahim Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Chalfin, Summer Public Service Training-InstructionPT Prof Service Teaching
Chaney, Kyle Student ServicesPart Time Club Esports Coach(734) 677-5991TI 239
Chang, Helen Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3363LA 315
Chapman, Linda Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Chiappetta, Joseph Business & Computer TechnologiesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5431BE 200
Ching, Edward Business & Computer TechnologiesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5431BE 200
Chou-Von Meister, Yen-Ling Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Christensen, Ellie Workforce & Community DevelopmentPT Trainer

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