Bailey Library Code of Conduct


Users of library expect:

  • A library environment free of disruptive activity
  • Access to library materials
  • Library materials that are complete and unmarked
  • Surroundings free from food and uncovered beverages and their resulting problems

The Bailey Library welcomes everyone in the community to use and enjoy the facilities and services. To protect each individual's access to information and library services, the library has established the following rules of behavior. All library users are expected to respect the rights and property of others and to treat library resources and facilities with appropriate care and respect. Children are welcome to visit the library, but for their safety children under the age of 15 without a 十大彩票网赌平台 ID must be supervised by an accompanying adult at all times.

Library users will:

  • Comply with library and college policies.
  • Present photo identification upon request.
  • Limit cell phone use to short and quiet conversations. Conduct extended conversations outside the library.
  • Use headphones when watching and listening to multimedia.
  • Use email or Internet resources within the guidelines of the Computing Resources Usage Policy (十大彩票网赌平台 Board of Trustees Policy #8022) and the Student Rights and Responsibilities (十大彩票网赌平台 Board of Trustees Policy #4095).
  • Respond to emergency and security gate alarms and other situations as instructed by staff; leave the library at closing and limit use of the library to authorized areas only.
  • Adhere to policies governing appropriate use of 十大彩票网赌平台 identification (十大彩票网赌平台 Board of Trustees Policy #4095).

Prohibited Activities:

Behaviors that are disruptive or impinge on the use of the library by other users, or infringe upon the rights of library users or staff are prohibited. This Code of Conduct cannot cover all behavior that is “disruptive or impinge on the use of the library by other users.” In these matters, what is determined to be “disruptive” or “impinges on the use” will be at the discretion of library staff.

Prohibited activities and behaviors include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Making excessive noise, including loud conversations, cell phones, failing to use headphones for audio/video files, etc. in a manner that disturbs others.
  • Possession or consumption of food or uncovered drink in areas where they are prohibited.
  • Refusing to show ID or submit possessions for inspection to library or security staff upon request.
  • Defacing or damaging library materials including underlining, highlighting, writing, using paper clips, removing pages, pictures, or security devices.
  • Monopolizing, misusing, or damaging library furniture, building or equipment.
  • Violating copyright or digital licensing agreements.
  • Loitering, including refusing to leave the library promptly when directed, at closing or as directed during an emergency.
  • Selling, soliciting or petitioning in the library; posting or distributing materials without permission.
  • Exhibiting any threatening or intimidating behaviors toward staff or other library users, e.g., abusive language, threats of violence or harassment
  • Engaging in any sexual activities including, but not limited to: consensual touching, unwanted or inappropriate advances or touching, harassment or indecent exposure.
  • Any conduct that constitutes a violation of a federal, state, or local law, or the 十大彩票网赌平台 Board of Trustees Policies.
  • Engage in behavior that is potentially unsafe or harmful to self or others.
  • Obstruct use of library equipment or facilities, or deny access to library materials through theft or deliberate misplacement.
  • Leave children under the age of 15 without a 十大彩票网赌平台 ID unsupervised.
  • Allow others to use their nontransferable identification or network authentication (十大彩票网赌平台 NetID).
  • Leave personal belongings unattended.


Library users found in violation of the Library Code of Conduct may be:

  • asked to present photo identification to library staff
  • subject to a search of backpacks or bags
  • directed to leave the premises
  • reported to Campus Safety

Disciplinary or legal action may also be taken in accordance with applicable laws and policies. Federal and Michigan State laws, local regulations and Washtenaw Community College Policies apply within the 十大彩票网赌平台 Bailey Library. All referenced campus policies may be found at

Step 1

  • You will be given a copy of the Bailey Library Code of Conduct and the issue will be identified.
  • You will be asked to take corrective action.
  • If you comply, no additional action will be taken.
  • Your cooperation with library staff is expected.
  • Library staff will be polite and non-threatening toward you.
  • You are expected to be polite and non-threatening to the staff, and to respect other library users.
  • If you do not cooperate with staff or fail to comply with the request, the process moves to Step 2.

Step 2

  • If the offending issue needs to be addressed a second time on the same day or a different day, or you do not cooperate with the request politely and quietly, you will be asked for your photo identification and then you will be asked to leave the library.
  • Step 2 may include a referral to meet with the Director of Access Services (or representative).
  • If you refuse to comply with the staff request, the process moves to Step 3.

Step 3

  • Campus Safety will be called.
  • An incident report will be completed.
  • You will be escorted from the Library.
  • Your library privileges will be revoked for the semester and the issue will be placed under the review of the 十大彩票网赌平台 Ombudsman. (十大彩票网赌平台 Board of Trustees Policy #4095 Sanctions #8)

Student Recourse

Instructions for student recourse will follow the 十大彩票网赌平台 Board of Trustees Policy #4095 Section C.1- Procedure of Student Complaints Regarding College Faculty or Instructional Staff.